Increase your online sales with high quality 360° product animations and 3D scans today.

How it works

Ship The Products To Us

Make sure that the products which you ship to the next Send2Scan station are insured, if necessary. To avoid any misunderstanding, please also include a product inventory list with the package. Include a retour voucher, so that the products may be shipped back to you once our work is completed.

We Scan Each Product

Products to be scanned are fully insured while they are with us. Our usual turnaround time is 3-5 working days. We use a tracking system to uniquely identify and track each of your products as they move through our workflow process.



Download and check the quality of the 360° rotating images in your secured customer control panel. If you are not satisfied, we are happy to re-do the scan while the product is still at a Send2Scan location. Upload or link the 360° rotating images in your online shop using our scripts, tools and best practices.



Job done! We will ship the products back to you using your provided retour voucher. Should further services be required, we are happy to assist you.


Why Send2Scan


Some retailers have boosted online shop conversion rate by 27% thanks to 360° rotating images compared to conventional two-dimensional images.*


No need to invest in expensive studio equipment. Outsource 360° product photography or 3D scanning to Send2Scan and pay only a fixed price per scanned product.


If you are a small retailer and want to compete with the “giants” or you are a “big seller” and your internal cost of photography and scanning production is high—Send2Scan is the right partner for you! We have extensive experience and a wide range of studio equipment for various types of products and shooting styles. Our technology is state-of-the-art and delivers a high quality result as shown in the examples below:


Host the 360° rotating images on your own web server, or have them hosted on our professional CDN network with enterprise grade SLA’s. Use our scripts to integrate the 360° product widgets with your online shop—we provide tools and best practices for many common e-commerce providers and platforms.

Approved Service

Send2Scan provides picture standards 100% compatible to requrements set by large e-commerece portals such as Amazon* or eBay**

Trust Send2Scan

Hundreds of website-owners trust Send2Scan

Showcase Gallery

Our Products

360° Rotating Images

Interactive 360 degree rotating product images that help place your products in the customers hands. Works on all modern browsers and mobil devices (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Classical Product Shots

High quality product detail images shot by a professional photographer.

High-Definition Video

360 degree looping HD video ready to be uploaded to YouTube and Vimeo. Not only is this a great way to integrate your 360’s into social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter—it’s a great way to boost SEO and drive traffic to your product page.

High Resolution Images

All images are available in print quality.

Logo Watermark

A custom watermark, such as a logo or URL, can be composited on the images.
зеркало вавады


What is the maximum weight of an item that can be scanned?
  • 40 kg / 88 lbs
What size of products can scanned?
  • L: 50cm x B: 50cm x H: 50cm / L: 20″ x B: 20″ x H: 20″
What types of products do not scan well?
  1. completely symmetrical objects that look the same from every angle
  2. smooth, transparent objects such as a plain drinking glass
How do I display the 360° products in my online shop?
Once your products have been scanned and approved, you will receive the following:

  1. folders for each scanned product containing a series of images in rotate and zoom resolutions. All images in print resolution are available for an extra fee.
  2. A folder containing all required scripts for rotating the images in 360°
  3. A HTML file for each product that bundles all scripts and product images into a 360° widget
  4. An IFRAME code snippet for each product to place the 360° widget on the product page
What formats are delivered as standard?
  1. 3D-Rotate player (Flash & HTML5 scripts)
  2. 24 Rotate resolution JPEG images
  3. 24 Zoom resolution JPEG images
What extra options are available?
  1. 36, 72 or 120 images per rotation
  2. Additional view angles
  3. High resolution images for print
What features are currently available on mobile devices?
  1. Swipe to rotate
  2. Pinch gesture for zooming on iOS
  3. Android devices that do not support the pinch gesture uses a slider bar for zoom control